You made it!I made it! Go get yourself a cookie or a good book or a glass of wine...heck, all 3 if that is what it takes to help you unwind from the business of living. I have fruit to arrange on big white platters for The Nutcracker Tea Party fundraiser coming up this weekend. I have carpools to drive so Thing 1 can tap and serve at the tea party and practice for her roles in The Nutcracker.It's not going to be a free and easy weekend.
I can read. At 9:30 p.m. snuggled up in bed I can read. It's what I do every night so tonight will be no different, but I hope you have a pocket of time to check out some of my favorite reads from the week. So much food for thought. And some fun too.
We all spend time on the internet. We think we are wasting time, but this guy BEGS TO DIFFER.I would totally take this class and since it came from The New Yorker, I can banish all guilt about my internet life,right?
But no matter how you navigate your internet life, chances are some of you have to navigate married life. Here are two very different ways to look at marriage. First, this from The Atlantic. I am happy to note we did take a dirt cheap honeymoon (points for a honeymoon) and that our wedding cost significantly less that $30,000 (points for being cheap). But we invited more than 100 people and my only regret is that we didn't invite more. But, once again, we were cheap. And honestly, we don't talk a lot about how we look except to say that we like each other and really strive to wear the love goggles. Or maybe they are kindness goggles as suggested in the next article. THIS study takes a closer look inside lasting marriages and the results are not surprising. It reminds me that as much as I can find snark amusing, it isn't helpful in marriage and we really must be conscious all the time of turning toward our partner. All relationships are work,but the ones that matter the most are hardest and the simple act of consistent kindness has a big payoff. I cannot tell you how glad I am to have read this because even when we know, it is good to be reminded.
This also provided me with an important reminder of just how to be with my kids, or anyone for that matter. We don't always need to multitask. We can set the phone down, we can close the lid of our computer, we can look someone (our child!) in the eye and simply listen. It's a small yet really big thing.
It may come as no surprise that I am an extrovert. Much hullabaloo had been made in cyber space about recognizing and valuing the power of quiet in the world. I am all for that, but we extroverts deserve our place in the spotlight. And because we want attention, we ask for it. I don't know about you, but is spotting one of us really that hard???
Finally, if you've not heard of The Oatmeal, allow me to introduce you. THIS is one of the funniest cartoon stories I have read and if you like it, there is much more to discover. Simply go here and enjoy. You are welcome!
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