Do you guys remember my Friday pants blog? It's time to get comfy.
I think this guy has a nice pair.
First, a good read. I don't watch Girls, but I know of Lena Dunham. What strikes me most about this book is that though she is 18 years younger, I could relate to her concerns and fears. She discusses sexuality in great detail, which is a refreshing change of pace coming from a generation where we fought over Judy Blume's Forever.
Like many who voted 6 years ago, I was full of hope. And truth be told, I still am. I will come out as a person who just really chooses to believe in the idea that people, even politicians, do care. And so, with that and all the criticism Obama has gotten, I stumbled across two of these articles. First, a pretty detailed look at the Obama presidency so far from conservative Andrew Sullivan and second, how kind Canadians view how we treat our president. They are much better able to articulate what I have been feeling and seeing. Finally, this just made me look at all of it in a whole new way.
Turning away from politics, I also found THIS video really profound. Women spend way too much time looking back and longing for what was or planning ahead to what we could have if we just worked hard enough. Eckhart Tolle is not wrong at all in his idea that real power resides in NOW. This award winning video tackles how so many of us carry our bodies in life. The take home message for me is to enjoy the one you have in this moment.
I also have to give a nod to a woman I only really know through Facebook. She is author Debra Monroe and she has become a virtual mentor in that I read what she writes and follow her intelligent discussions with some of her writing colleagues. She has been most kind to me when I reach out which is astounding since we have never met. She had this beautiful hybrid prose/poem published and it makes me most excited about her upcoming book called "An Unsentimental Education." Though I no longer work at The Book Shelf, you can bet I will use her Wisconsin roots as a means of getting her to take a detour our way.
If you don't think you like poetry, please check out Mary Oliver. She is simply amazing. My favorite so far is this book and here is one to get you hooked. I try to read a few each morning and they always get me off to a good start.
"I Go Down to the Shore"
I go down to the shore in the morning
and depending on the hour the waves
are rolling in or moving out,
and I say, oh, I am miserable,
what shall -
what should I do? And the sea says
in its lovely voice:
Excuse me, I have work to do.
Finally, THIS cracked me up because I am child of the '80s and an adult Swifty. Also, I can't tell you how many times I have had to shake it off this week. Sans the shiney spandex and poofey hair, it's a good little mantra to carry you through your day.
I am fending off a cold, looking forward to seeing Thing 1 tap in Shrek (the local high school musical) and planning a tiny surprise for Thing 2 (brag alert) who earned his way to the honor roll in his first quarter of middle school. This might not seem like a big deal, but transitions for him are hard. Several teachers noted they could see this and there is room for improvement, but quite frankly, he did it. An Despite his organizational struggles he cares enough to try and stay at it. I think we need to celebrate.
I hope you find something to celebrate, too. Happy Friday!
I am stuck in bed with vertigo and this was just what I needed. Thanks.