And we're off!

Thing 1 did not want me to take her picture getting on the bus. There were big kids looking out the window. So today, I will have to try again and alter the memory book of the first day of school. This implies I have a memory book rather than a lumpy pile of keepsakes waiting for divine intervention.

Thing 2 is worried about people noticing the warts on his knee (he will be wearing long pants and band-aids) and the shape of his head. "Does it look round or oval?" Umm....round? "I don't want to be called a dufus." Ok. Is there something out there in popular culture I have missed? And which is worse- round or oval? Is there a head shape that screams dufus? And who uses that word, dufus? Not anyone in this house, except for Thing 2 apparently.

My worries are different. Will their teachers be successful in bringing out the best in them? Will the school of hard knocks make them stronger or send them home crying? Will the pressures of testing detract from the joy of learning for both student and teacher?

School is so different from my own grade school days. We demand more of and give less to the people we entrust our children to.

Why is it so easy to forget that we are all on the same team. If I have one wish for everyone this year, it's that we act like it.


  1. From an old teaching colleague, room 109 at SHS. . .I'm slowly catching up with your blogs after some time away! You always give me reason to smile, reflect, to question, to hope! I'm a really big fan! Keep on keeping on, Lisa! MC


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