I was up at 5:00 A.M. making coffee cakes for clinic staff. Hubby called me at 10:30 to tell me that I might like to know he gave the coffee cakes to a homeless family that came in. I know I should feel happy that they went to someone who really needs it. Instead, I feel sad and embarrassed for our riches. I stopped short of raiding our pantry and driving around Winona flinging out food because I know we do as much as we can and in some cases more. But it seems like no matter how much you do there is more to do and there is the rub. Staring at our tree and looking at the excitement on my little babe's faces lifts my spirits some. I want to hug them close and pray that they will never have to be on the receiving end of their daddy's morning exchange. I pray that they have his spirit and mine and perhaps even a touch of my melancholy. At least then we'll know the giving will continue and someday, somewhere another coffee cake will find a home.
A great story for the season. 2 thumbs up