Four kids decided to make a lemondade stand knowing that the amount of lemonade available to sell was slim. First there was lemon juice mixed with water and sugar. Then there was a trip around the valley to locate lemonade mix and finally there were single power aid packets made to order all in the name of the business. The kids decided they'd get more action if it was a fundraiser so their school's PTA will be the beneficiary of $19.90 made in less than 2 hours. How this happened I don't know. Maybe it was the three kids milling on the side of the road or the assertive girls who would hold their hands out as if they'd been traffic cops all their lives beckoning passers-by to stop. Or maybe it was the boy in a white Star Wars Storm Trooper costume trolling for customers on his bike and in some cases hand delivering drinks. The boy was irritated at dinner time because some people had made promises to stop by in one of his adverstising campaigns and they didn't show. "Big people are mean!" Yes. I didn't venture to explain how startling it might seem to see a Storm Trooper selling lemonade, but then again maybe everyone is used to us and it all passes for normal now.
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