I was taken back to 1983 recently when I took my nine year old daugher and some friends to a place called High Roller for her birthday. No...we weren't going to gamble, we were going to skate. The impetice was a party that was low-stress for me, but lots of fun for all. This was the suggestion that seemed most appealing and the price was right. It was refreshing to see that as much as things change, some things stay the same. Oh, there were in-line skates to be sure, but the skates available to rent had four wheels, they were an ugly tan color, and the laces were too long- -you either had to triple-knot them or tie them around your ankles twice. As soon as the lights dimmed for a couple's skate, the disco ball started to twirl and Journey came on, I knew history could indeed repeat itself. However, this time, I took matters into my own hands so as not to be left on the sidelines waiting for an offer. After my own daughter dissed me half way through, "I'm Forever Yours, Faithfully" I headed for my hubby. His natural grace on land doesn't transfer well to the roller world, but we made it through the end of the song without falling and gracelessly clunked into the cement side wall in order to declare ourselves done. But only for that song. After getting our bearings (pun intended), we all went back for more. Brain scientists and life coaches would say it's good to do something different, to get your mind and body working on patterns it's not comfortable with-- it keeps your body guessing and I guess that is a good thing. I just think it's the laughter that really makes it worth the while. I know my knees and ankles weren't exactly shouting praise. I hadn't actually considered that I would have fun at this party. I am all about the execution of the party. With nothing for me to do but have fun, I was able to I step out of my box, roll back to my childhood, and skate into a new year with my daughter. Life is constantly surprising me. I don't always get what I think I want--sometimes I get more and for that, I am grateful.
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