A sick child can really bring things to a screeching halt. I was on the docket to work more than usual this week, apply for a community college adjunct position, and write. Well, I scrambled to cut my hours and the rest is a dream. The hub-ster is putting in more than his share of caring for the sick world so I will heal our tiny little village. This is being written during one too many viewings of Scooby Doo--ruh roh!! The pile of homework to make up is tall, the tempers are short after day 3 at home, and I think I am on a quest to find out what else is out there? Ha! What little I have to offer is this: Never make life changing decisions while you or someone you love is ill. You may find your house up for sale, the walls painted PUCE (which is very wrong), or your dog's mug on PetFinder. com. None of these happened to me, but.....you know. I've had a few moments. Little tidbits of joy can be found under Family Fodder- all hope is not lost.
Life with Lisa... :-)