My family thinks I should open a restaurant. What they don't realize is that I already have one. It's called Chez Lisa and it opens at 6:00 a.m., closes at 7:00 p.m. and the quality is iffy. When I cook what I want, the results are spectacular. When I cook what will get eaten by 75% of the crowd, the results are blah. "What icky stuff are we having tonight, mom?" does not provide the proper motivation for this would-be restauranteer. Since I don't get paid, I have no standard to uphold. When pre-made barbecued meatballs get more accolades than a homemade chicken pot pie with preserved veggies from our own garden, the clientele seems more questionable than the chef. I don't get tips unless you count use more ketchup! but I also take no prisoners. Like it or lump it. Or like the lumps. There is always toast. That was lesson number one when attending Chez Lisa's cooking school. I passed this most valuable tip on to the masses a la' Food Network style and it is safe to say, Chez Lisa will remain a franchise of one.
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