Tiny Protest

Well, I made a small foray into activism. I had this brainy idea of a digital protest against the war. But I needed some help and found it was surprisingly difficult. People either couldn't put themselves out there or simply forgot or whatever. Plus, I am not technologically savvy so the time required versus the skills I had did not line up. But over and over, I kept thinking of what General Kelly said in his article in the Washington Post in February. It's not the dissent he is against, he wrote, it's the indifference.

I hope everyone finds time and space in this long holiday weekend to think about where they stand on the war or marriage rights or other pressing issues and ask themselves, "What can I do?" Nothing seems dissrespectful to those who will live with the ramifications of our inactions.

I don't pretend to have answers. But what is real and true is that I care.

Thanks again, to Winona360 and Kate, for indulging me with time and space and encouragement. "No," said Kate. "Don't give up. This is good. It's relevant. Keep at it." Ugh. Ok. "Well," she said, "we can't to that, but we could do this. Have you though about...?" and back and forth we would go. She was my own little-engine-that-could bringing me over the final hill.

Thanks, also, to past, present, and future protestors and activists. This little experiment of mine gives me new found appreciation for those who doggedly purse causes on behalf of the greater good. It is tough and defeating, and my miniscule efforts barely scratched the surface. Did I give my all? Probably not. But with the time and resources available to me, I made a step and today, for me, this is what matters.

My Tiny Protest
With the utmost respect and sincere appreciation to those who have served and who are serving, I thank you for your time and your efforts and the hours in spent in tedium and danger. It is in my humble opinion that I think you should come home to us and spend some time with your families and begin the long process of acclimating yourself to a life you may have forgotten. And to all of those families who have lost loved ones on behalf of our country, words are pointless. This is my tiny offering of protest and gratitude.


  1. This is fabulous! Really, really fabulous. You should keep this up. You're great at it. BTW - the photo of the father with the picture of his son is heart-wrenching. Really brings the whole thing into perspective. Thank you so much for this. You are doing good work.

  2. Lisa, I don't know you so we're not FB friends (though we have a lot of mutual friend), but I thought I'd let you know I shared your winona360 op-ed with my FB community. It is awesome. "Protesters are not all angry and bitter. Sometimes they just care." Beautiful.


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